In this post, I'm gonna talk about why people quit exercise after 30 days or less. Why? Why do people quit and most people by no music within two weeks or less? Why is it so difficult to stick with exercise and dieting? Well, to answer all these questions, I'm writing this post.
The major reason is, he wants to do something different. He just gets bored when he is exercising the same thing over and over. When you are not habituated with exercising 4-5 days a week, it is going to be very difficult to continue this. This brings us to the main part. How to bring change when change is hard.
Why it is difficult to continuing exercise
When you think that you are going to exercise, diet etc. it becomes so difficult to stick with them. We all know what happens. You go through it for a week or most probably two weeks and after that you get bored and your mind says to leave that. Well, most of the time it happens that is you start on Monday and by the time Friday comes, you find the exercise difficult and leave that. Don't worry if that is happening to you. It happens to the majority of the people.
How to fix that
1. To get rid of this problem, you must change your habit. Well, generally people do the same exercise and continue to do so in the same routine. Change it. If you are doing the muscle exercise first and then the abs, then the next day, start with the abs and then workout with the muscle. This will help you to stick with the workout.
2. Change the time of workout a little bit. Suppose you generally workout at 7 AM. Then change it to 6:30 and 7:30. Don't workout the same time every day. This will bore you soon. Make the change as little as possible otherwise you may find it difficult to workout.
3. Make two routines and choose which muscles should be exercised in day one and the other muscles on the other day. Suppose you are doing arm and chest exercise today. Then exercise the abs the next day. This helps a lot. I know.
We always quit exercise due to lots of efforts. Exercise might sound like a great way to get your desire body composition. But most of the time, we get lazy to work out or even get out of bed. Do you want to get fitter without burning your day out in the gym? Here are tips on how to get fit the lazy way?