Building abs is not everyone's cup of tea. Not everyone can build abs whether it is six pack abs, 8 pack abs or 4 pack abs. Building abs is the most difficult thing in the field of bodybuilding. People workout all over the day but fail to build abs due to lack of knowledge. Today I'm going to tell you how to build abs while sleeping.
Tip #1
When it comes to workout and losing fat there are three things to do. Workout, eat right and recover. Recovery, majority recovery is sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, you are not doing one of the three important things. Well in some cases people are saying that they will build abs and will not exercise but only sleep. That doesn't make any sense. It's not gonna work. Or you workout like crazy, eat a lot and don't rest, that sounds crazy. You gotta have all three. What you need to understand that is when it comes to making sure that you burn your belly fat that your body can do functions next day, sleeping is as important as a workout and as you are eating. If you do workouts, eat a lot and don't rest then you are going to find yourself very tired and helpless.
Tip #2
When you sleep, your body produces and releases a type of hormone called growth hormone or HGH (Human Growth Hormone) and that is the thing that recovers the body as well as burns the fat. Another reason which is if you don't get enough sleep, you appetite is going to increase. that night because your body's supposed to be sleeping and relaxing. Studies have shown that people eat junk food at late night. Another reason is if you sleep less, then you are going to workout less as your body will get tired due to insufficient sleep.
Tip #3
What you want to do is get 7-9 hours sleep a day and make sure that you don't sleep too much because your body is not going to starve and you will not need food and still lying on the bed. So what you do, your body stop breaking energy as you don't have the energy for not having food and your body will start breaking tissue and breaking tissue breaks your muscle. So here are some tips that are gonna help you to sleep faster.
Tip #4
Number one, stretch before going to sleep. So I should recommend doing yoga. Because doing yoga will relax your muscle and help to sleep faster because a tensed muscle can't sleep properly. So do yoga before sleep. Don't workout at night.
Tip #5
Number two, the right environment. You don't wanna have lights because the bright light signals your brain that it's waking up because we live under the sun and when your brain sees a light it tells that it's day time and I should wake up. Make sure that your bedroom is used for only two things. number 1 is sleep and number 2 is have sex. People usually bring their television or computer at their bedroom. But don't do that and if possible, also keep the mobile out of your room because they are the enemy of your sleep. Things that you will not wanna do in your bedroom is things like watching television, operating computers, studies, researches, working out etc.
Tip #6
Number three, balance the temperature. If your body is too hot, you are not going to have a good sleep. So I highly recommend keeping your body a little bit warm and the room cool. That will make you feel more comfortable. If you are not able to do that then drink a glass of warm milk and cool down the room with an air conditioner or fans or keeping the windows open. Don't get a bath before sleeping. Though bathing relaxes your body, it will make your body warm. If you are planning to take the bath at night make sure that you take it before 30 minutes or an hour of sleep.
Tip #7
The last thing that I would like to say don't sleep in a full stomach. Most people think that sleeping on a full stomach will not burn the fat and the food will remain inside. That's true, but another reason is your body will try to digest the food and instead of going downward, it will go upwards because you are sleeping are tilting. If the food goes up, you will feel burning in the chest and that will make you uncomfortable anything that make you uncomfortable, will not let you sleep comfortably. So don't sleep in a full stomach.
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